#hythlodaeus v
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kitukun · 12 days ago
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specterthief · 3 months ago
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this is mainly what this game is about
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malviolet · 4 months ago
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tried to think of what the king would look like if he was a little younger or took better care of himself. also pookie.
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zuvke · 2 months ago
Thinking about the fact both Louis and Hythlodaeus V died, meaning if there's a afterlife or something in Metaphor they'd meet. Considering Louis's interaction with V was the only time we see Louis vent / be his true unfiltered self as much as possible in the entire game, I like to think that Louis in his youth saw the king as a mentor or father like figure. Someone he wanted to be like, someone he wanted to impress. After all, he still kept his book of utopia with him right until the end. Then he obviously felt betrayed when V let Forden do as he pleased, and that was his first betrayal, and I'm not sure he ever got over it considering how bitter he sounds. "Broken old man." is what Louis calls him. Yet, I feel like after Louis was forced to see that he was wrong (dying to MC/Will/Prince) and clearly had ptsd — that maybe he would be more accepting towards him. I mean, Louis' doesn't have any real friends.
Zorba is just obsessed with the concept of him, and his ideology, he doesn't love Louis for real. You could say much of the same for the rest. I feel like Hythlodaeus V might've been the only one who still, even if barely, liked Louis in a way. Saw something in him. More says something along the lines of 'can you blame Louis for wanting to destroy all that injustice?' and I feel like that's how the king felt about him. Maybe he was still sympathetic towards him despite all he watched him did. Because he understood the grief. That's why he let Louis kill the other candidates, and still gave him a chance to be king, and still wasn't truly mad (even if in the shape of More) when he killed his son. I'm cooking here because I want to make a angst fic of them both in some trance like afterlife where they meet. Okay yap session over....
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xyronian · 1 month ago
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His only regret is that he had boneitis.
Source: Future Stock
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wickedsick · 5 months ago
As cool as the More fight is, it's really funny how easy it is to ruin the tension.
(Hero's Proving + Hero's Cry + Charge + Royal Sword means you knock him down to 1 hp turn one, but he still has to say all his dialogue so you just keep attacking)
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myscalesofjustice · 1 day ago
If I were to choose a name for the Eldan Queen, I think I'd go with Calliope. The lover of a storywriter we only know as a disembodied voice named after the muse of epic poems about heroes and adventures, and translates to "beautiful voice"?
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dexjarxenoengage · 4 months ago
While we are on the topic of shipping when it comes to Metaphor. IMO, it was for the best to remove the option to date other characters. Because IMO, a game should be allowed to just stick with one shipped that can (hopefully) be enjoyed. And this is where I go into spoilers for the end of the game… you have been warned…
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Eupha and Will are the closest thing we have to a canon ship. And with Will becoming the new King by the end of the game, this means that if Eupha and Will make their relationship official, two of the most hated tribes will be the rulers of Euchronia. Which is extremely cathartic considering that they have ties to the old world that the Church wanted to keep under wraps.
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The main reason why I am making this post, and while I am calling plot spoilers is because of Strohl. Why? Because Strohl is a Clemar. Racist as that may sound, hear me out.
Will is the Prince all along, Will is an Elda (the most hated tribe in the Kingdom of Euchronia). But Will is an Elda Clemar hybrid because his Father; the deceased King; Hythlodaeus V AKA More gave birth with the Eldan Queen.
This means that, if Will was female and was shipped with Strohl, it would be a Generation Xerox of an Elda and Clemar having a child.
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zipsunz · 2 months ago
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at first sight, a similar feeling
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bubadoobad · 5 months ago
Some spoilers up until the final boss
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My dude had like 5 dads and he's still an orphan. And three of them were the same person and dumped the responsibility of the country on the protagonist (I call him Will).
Don't mind the anatomy that isn't anatomy. Pls.
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lightingway · 2 years ago
Lovers or friends desire two things. The one is to love each other so much that they enter into each other and only make one being. The other is to love each other so much that, with half the globe between them, their union will not be diminished in the slightest degree.
Simone Weil, The Love of God and Affliction
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kitukun · 1 month ago
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ik technically he wasnt materialized till king was dead but oh well
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specterthief · 1 month ago
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just a couple of princes (overthought name logic under the cut)
for both of them:
abraxas as the family's surname from the gnostic great archon, the god from demian (maybe best known on weeb tumblr for what the "crack the world's shell" speech in revolutionary girl utena is directly referencing), and the original name of the island in thomas more's utopia
el is another way to say "from"/"of" in esperanto, the language used in metaphor - specifically my headcanon here is that the royal family use el, while all other euchronian nobility (like strohl's family) use da
amaurot as the territory name also because of it being the name of the city in utopia, and because grand trad was named "sanct amaurot" in early development - i'm imagining here that amaurot was the original name of the city/territory around it when euchronia was founded, and the rename to grand trad was comparatively recent after the annex war
for more/hythlodaeus V:
thomas for thomas more, self-explanatory
raphael is also from utopia, for raphael hythlodaeus, also self-explanatory
for the prince:
lilia from lilium, the genus for lilies, which are the closest match for the royal flowers/eldan sanctum flowers
it also doubles as a silly reference to lilia from twisted wonderland, just as a nod to the sleeping beauty/briars reference there for the curse
alexander because it's one of the alternate default protagonist names (russian, specifically), and for lilium alexandrae, a type of japanese lily that are white and green like the royal flowers
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undead-cypress · 2 months ago
Hello everyone. I'm going through it. As like one of 5 people who has fully read Quantum Devil Saga and enjoys overanalyzing media, I was having fun noticing the parallels and nods to it in Metaphor Refantazio. With the assumption that I was the unhinged one drawing conclusions and shouldn't assign intentionality to the writing and design choices. Surely the King crashing his own funeral Angel style to announce a tournament for Nirvana Utopia was just a quirk of writing in these kinds of games. Surely the first two henchmen only superficially resemble Heat and Argilla. Surely turning into big monsters and the gender fuckery is a series staple. They named the magical cat after another mathematician! That's cute
But then you find out they named the King after Yuu Godai, the author of QDS
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ゆう五代 is how Yuu Godai is written in Japanese, the "Godai" part meaning "the fifth".
(This is not a translation error or change, in Hythlodaeus V is the correct English spelling, it's just Japanese doesn't always differentiate H/J/Y sounds in western names.)
I'll probably make a longer post about this later, because I can't explain without massive spoilers for both and I'm not even done with the game. The meta in this game is driving me up the wall and I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only person who sees this. Because I might be the only person in the universe who thinks too much about the meta behind QDS щ(ಥ_ಥщ). There's stuff that you wouldn't even know are references to Godai because she only mentions these in the author's notes and in the self published QDS Extra Files zine. Like how Soul Hackers was her favourite game, she has a cat that keeps her company when she writes, she's obsessed with making non-binary characters, really likes Godzilla and her hobby is reading weird philosophy books. They never got over not being able to have her on the team for Digital Devil Saga...
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imustbenuts · 5 months ago
i finished metaphor refantazio which means i can talk about this game's themes with a working braincell now.
under the read more: pre-ww2 japanese history and religion fuckery. word vomit for anyone who might be interested in my perspective
Major spoilers head
i was RIGHT about louis being enamored with the royal family in some way and having a buttfuck ton of the royal family flowers in his room in his airship. i think this plot point is now heavily hinted at but currently discarded due to development/writing hell. i think louis probably followed hythlodaeus v out of the sanctum in extreme admiration. he has a lot of similarities with More in that they both had reality + lonliness crushed into their faces. his current self in the game is driven by despair and fear.
this is interesting bc theres actually also a lot of allusion to japanese pre-ww2 history going on from my admittedly very limited knowledge. so here goes:
There's a lot about Louis that reminds me of the whole shitshow going down during the Meiji era up until ww2. the gist of this past 200 odd years was that the western world came in knocking with christianity as a tool for colonization. which was understandably yikes, so they shut themselves off, only to then get another visitation later with pretty intimidating technology in the form of iron steamships with cannons. gunboat diplomacy. this meant that a previously imperialistic japanese society build on conquering had to react/adapt to this drastic force like fucking whiplash.
so they pretty much went from pro-military samurai shogunate to pro-emperor. the gist is there was a very pro-emperor-god-king rhetoric going on that sought to rid anything inconvenient towards that narrative. to keep people in line yes but to also get japan big and powerful enough to sit with the same western colonial powers.
so in place of the old caste system under the shogun, there eventually were now oligarchies, far right military factions etc under the emperor. only something like the top 5% of the population had a say in this new democracy system they set up too. (it got way more democratic in the 1930s? not sure. but what im saying here is 1860s-1900 ish at least)
so things were going. for a while. messy, full of 'expel the foreigners, revere the emperor' rhetoric but it was going.
then more depression happened and the overall economy went to shit in 1900. that era leading up to ww2 had a lot of young men in Japan being extremely nationalist and pro military, in part due to a whiplash of culture change and in other due to poverty. (ive come across the topic of white rice being offered for those who conscript. white rice was seen as the emperor's luxury food so that was somewhat of a draw to young men back then.) There were a lot of far right political factions and assassinations going on. international relations were also imploding bc the military had this idea that japan was the superior divine race and they were destined to conquer the world/asia. so they did some sabotaging false flag operation shit in manchuria in order to try and start a world war. (Mukden incident. 1931)
Which is then not a surprise that in 1932 a prime minister by the name of Inukai Tsuyoshi got assassinated by a bunch of far right pro military guys in their 20s. They were even then praised by the judge bc of their act being seen as pro-emperor and therefore patriotic. Bc again emperor god king delusion.
(read up on the League of Blood incident where these people also plotted to kill the oligarchs and liberal politicians. they uh actually succeeded in some cases btw. look, too much shit.)
meanwhile, the emperor, Hirohito, wanted peace, wanted better foreign international relations and relayed his desires to the same Inukai Tsuyoshi, but the military was going out of control. (and Inukai got assassinated so the position of prime minister is now Not Safe.) so out control they eventually became beyond any civilian/state control and bam ww2. pearl harbor and all that stuff.
(i havent read up on what kind of person hirohito actually is so ill refrain on commenting on his character. but in terms of actual power over his country hes VERY Hythlodaeus V in metaphor)
so while there isnt an organized religion in the form of a church, there is absolutely an element of religious and military fanaticism in that era.
So Louis has a lot of this vibes going on. He was also a young military boy. Is young probly in his 20s. Has a lot of royal flowers in his skyrunner that points towards this royal family worshiping thing. Seized control of a military faction that went completely out of control from the state. Is of some 'pure blood' race if his elda bloodline is any indication. Murdered the pro-equality but failed figure head bc he did not live up to Louis' expectations and was responsible for a lot of failures in the state policy. started a false flag operation that resulted in people dying and forced to leave an area.
also, did i mention lowkey eugenics? yeah that same imperial military was big on this too. the strong will survive the weak will be culled etc etc.
Meanwhile the mc gels well with the benevolent emperor narrative that is popular in JP media even today. I think it could be some indicator of how the general japanese feels towards the royal family, since supposedly an emperor is sworn to an oath of leading with valor, wisdom and benevolence. These are also represented by 3 regalia, a sword, a mirror and a jewel, presented during the official coronation ceremony.
The regalias might be treasures from different tribes originally, at least that's what some scholars think.
So I won't be surprised if the Drakodilos lance ends up being a part of the imperial treasure thing after the mutsari tribe gets protected under law. the mustaris here are the aforementioned 'different tribes' thing.
in fact, more on this topic with the mustaris. these people arent just random tribal people, to me they are more south/south east asian people. their biome is jungle island like, which means polynesian, and places like philippines, vietnam, thailand, indonesia etc.
the brown/tan skin is found in a lot of SEAsians, and the third eye is too a popular asian mysticism thing. it is especially prevalent in hinduism and buddhism. the idea is that a 3rd eye means enlightenment, or at least the ability to perceive the unperceivable.
if we subsitute sanctism with shinto, then theres some parallels here to be had with whats going on at the time too. bc the funny thing im seeing here is, shinto is sanctism, and mustari's religion has big buddhsim vibes without the name.
(that mustari arc boss looks like a twisted banged up buddha/boddhisattva what with the prayer position and multi arms thing going on)
in that pre-ww2 time period, shinto buddhism was going through a split and defining in order to prop up the emperor god king narrative. this process meant suppressing elements of buddhism. wont get into the reeds of this, but know that buddhism originated in india in a response against the hindu caste system. so in a way, a 'foreign' religon.
now, there is absolutely a thing going on here where Me:Re can come off as inherently pro-emperor and even a little pro-japanese nationalist, what with the whole 1 nation of vaguely SEAsians under a (japanese written) king thing. frankly, as a SEAsian this is gross but nothing surprising considering how hard Me:Re feels like an echo of pre ww2 jp politics. and also how jp media tends to be with topics surrounding this. im iffy on the japanese nationalist part, bc the needle is definitely moving in terms of racism/colorism today, and in the game lacks certain elements for me to see it as a big red flag.
that said, i wont immediately napalm the intentions behind this game to the ground. this game has got excellent commentary on racism and some stuff about policies. its got nuance. it is even a criticism against how the old japanese empire tried to go about doing things. it is open to the idea of democracy and even seems to say that politics arent perfect and can fail but its better to try than not at all.
this is far more valuable than blatant doomerism imo.
all this is why in the final segment, we fight More in the middle of shibuya scramble. this isnt just meta for the sake of meta, its allusion to their history specifically. this game is NOT so much a criticism about organized religion as it is about governance in relation to its people. this game is talking about politics without specific policies.
i can respect that despite all the major ick i might have.
this is why despite saying oppression is bad, it doesn't have any queer representation because it's leaning towards a conservative pro emperor ideology on the overall spectrum. Queerness is not part of that century old conversation at all in this context so take this as you will.
(personally the fact that queerness is not even remotely touched on means the overall thoughts on opression hasnt radically changed. Personally, this, specifically, sucks. Bc this means this narrative feels like it could've been easily released even 20 years ago and brought the exact same challenge to the table but ymmv. I suppose this is why people have been saying the game reminds them of old jrpgs.)
sooo yeah Me:Re is very much a big middle finger to fanaticism, but is also very japanese history at its roots. i had fun, and it def made me think
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xyronian · 2 months ago
Another entry in my misguided series: Refantaziorama.
Major spoilers this time, like major endgame spoilers.
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Source: Godfellas
"'Everyone' being my entire village. You know, the one Forden burned down because you had a wife there. You remember that?"
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